/** @module router/Route */
* lambda-lambda-lambda/router
* AWS Lambda@Edge serverless application router.
* Copyright 2021-2023, Marc S. Brooks (https://mbrooks.info)
* Licensed under the MIT license:
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
'use strict';
// Local modules.
const {getResourceId, isAsyncFunc, isValidFunc, setFuncName} = require('./Utils');
* Handle routing operations for the given Route.
* @example
* // .. sam-app/src/routes/foo.js
* const routeConfig = {
* middleware: [middlewareFunc1, middlewareFunc2],
* resource: true || ['get', 'put', 'patch', 'submit'],
* index (req, res) {},
* get (req, res, id) {},
* create (req, res) {},
* put (req, res, id) {},
* update (req, res) {},
* patch (req, res, id) {},
* post (req, res) {},
* submit (req, res, id) {},
* delete (req, res, id) {}
* };
* module.exports = routeConfig;
module.exports = (router, route) => {
const path = route.path;
const methodMap = {
index: 'get',
create: 'put',
update: 'patch',
delete: 'delete',
submit: 'post'
const isResource = !!route.resource;
const uriBase = `${router.prefix}${path}`;
const uriPath = getResourceId(router.req.uri(), uriBase);
const reqPath = `${uriBase}/${uriPath}`;
// Ensure route matches request URI, skip otherwise.
if ((!uriPath && !isResource && uriBase !== router.req.uri()) || (uriPath && isResource && reqPath !== router.req.uri())) {
// Add route-bound middleware, if available.
if (route.middleware) {
if (Array.isArray(route.middleware)) {
route.middleware.forEach(func => router.use(path, func));
} else {
router.use(path, route.middleware);
// Map Route-defined action -> Request method.
for (let key in route) {
const method = methodMap[key] || key;
if (!isValidFunc(router[method]) || !isValidFunc(route[key])) {
let routeFunc = route[key];
let entityType = 'route';
// Support - Boolean | Array<methodMapKey>
if (isResource && (route.resource === true || (Array.isArray(route.resource) && route.resource.includes(key)))) {
const resourceId = uriPath;
// Add resource ID to Route as argument.
const oldFunc = routeFunc;
if (isAsyncFunc(oldFunc)) {
// Asynchronous handling.
routeFunc = async (req, res) => {
return await oldFunc(req, res, resourceId);
} else {
// Synchronous handling.
routeFunc = (req, res) => {
return oldFunc(req, res, resourceId);
// .. send error response.
if (!resourceId) {
routeFunc = (req, res) => {
res.setHeader('Cache-Control', 'max-age=0');
entityType = 'resource';
setFuncName(routeFunc, `${entityType}:${key}`);
// Execute the route-defined function.
router[method](path, routeFunc);